Multinational Organisation:
Inclusive Leadership Training


After winning the opportunity to deliver inclusive leadership training and development to leaders of a multinational organisation, they contacted Michael Mauro again to help their ongoing multi-year deployment to 100s of leaders - from c-suite through to front-line leaders.

The client’s HR team responded by employing a top-tier diagnostic, design, and facilitation team to help their culture transformation.


How We Helped

Michael Mauro was brought on board to support the ongoing delivery of inclusive leadership. This involved partnering with their EMEA-wide DEI centre of excellence (COE) and the client’s HR and leadership team to facilitate inclusive leadership training programmes.

The discourse included topics such as:

  • Understanding and developing strategies to mitigate biases

  • Creating allyship

  • Educating on default privilege


This also included creating processes and system improvements to cultivate more inclusive cultures and intersectionality awareness, alongside a leadership vision that embraced diversity, equity and inclusion. And with some peer coaching to help solidify learnings.

Participants engaged in quizzes, group work, action learning set planning, peer coaching, and deep discussions, which complemented the client’s long-term DEI strategy. The client was experiencing a year-on-year decrease in employee engagement and inclusion and diversity metrics, and lower than expected levels of women in leadership.

The Results

Due to the sensitivity of the topics, Michael Mauro dealt with considerable pushback from delegates, which was challenging and at times intimately complex. However, by creating a psychologically safe and non-judgemental environment the outcomes were exceptional:


of delegates felt that they learned more information to help them change behaviour and enhance their leadership role in creating inclusive organisational structures. Specifically:

  • Managing biases in pressured situations (busy, tired, automatic behaviours).

  • Understanding intersectionality and embracing diversity to fast-track innovation.

  • Leveraging allyship as a tool to create systems and structures that create long-term culture change.


of delegates reported sharing learnings and opportunities to improve their ways of working to create more inclusive cultures that embraced diversity and created equity.


feedback score aggregated across all workshops, highlighting the solid facilitation skills Michael Mauro has, especially when facilitating high-profile and senior leader discourses.

Brands We’ve Worked With

Need a hand developing L&D strategies that serve up awesomeness, then check out Learning and Development Consultancy services.

Or maybe you want to find out more about how we supported an international consulting firm in designing and delivering more than a dozen soft-skills programmes to over 3,500 employees across the EMEA? Then check out our case study.

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